303 E Water St.
Farmerville, LA 71241
(318) 368-3296


The Union Parish Police Jury has approximately 1014.24 miles of roads. 597.74 are blacktop and 416.50 are dirt. There are 44 Bridges in the Parish including one in Marion and one in Farmerville.

The Road Department has 25 employees including truck drivers, equipment operators, bush-hog tractor operators and their supervisors and secretary.

The various jobs of the road department are hauling road materials for repairs and maintaining the roads, patching potholes in the blacktop roads, repairing washes on the dirt roads, and replacing culverts in the roads. They do ditching to provide proper drainage and bush-hog the grass along roads during the spring and summer months. Also, they cut limbs on the side of the roads and a separate crew cuts grass and weeds at the bridges.

There are many different traffic signs that are constantly being stolen or destroyed that have to be replaced for safety reasons. The road department is also responsible for replacing the 911 road signs so our emergency responders will know where to go in case of an emergency.

Many times during bad weather our department is called to dispatch workers after-hours to remove trees and debris from the roads and set up barricades and signs for flooded areas. All of the work done by these men is documented and kept on file.

The road department has their own mechanic shop where they do repairs and maintenance on their equipment and vehicles. Inspections and some repairs are done on all vehicles used by the Police Jury.

The Road Department assists the Landfill in the repair and construction of dumpsters and the repair of the dumpster sites.

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